About your idea
In what consist your idea ?
Our project aims to develop a novel process for Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) coating production, which are used to reduce friction and protect surfaces against scratches, wear and abrasion.
Currently, the process involves the use of energy-intensive methods, which makes it difficult to balance the coating’s hardness and lubricity.
Who will be the final user of your idea ?
Endusers will be either coating companies interested in our new approach or companies that want to implement our solution for coating their specific parts.
In which fields this idea would be useful ?
Medtech and watchindustry area are the focus fields of our idea.
What will the benefits of your idea ?
More flexible approach optimized for specific tribological applications. The best compromise between lower stresses in the thin films, low friction and low wear.
What kind of partner are you looking for to invest in your idea and be part of your team ?
The project is seeking investors interested in our solution of combining low energy deposition with local laser post treatment and endusers that want to test our textured coating on their pieces and further optimize their mechanical performance.

About you and the Booster
What’s your professional background ?
I hold a PhD in Physics from EPFL in the field of nanomaterials and worked several years as R&D project and production manager in swiss companies in thin films and surface functionalization.
In which company are you working now and what’s your occupation/position ?
Since 2021, I am Professor at Berner Fachhochschule and run applied research activities and projects on thin film and surfaces deposition processes and applications.
How have you heard about the Microtech Booster ?
It is the 3rd time in one year that I participate in this program.
What are your exceptings about the Microtech Booster ?
To build an innovative team and continue explore our approach in further projects with interested partners.
Would you like to participate in this idea?
Watch the pitch of Sylvain LeCoultre and join the team on the platform.