Please be welcome to register for this workshop organized by 3 NTN Innovation Boosters, supported by InnoSuisse.
New fields of innovation arise when novel approaches from cross-technologies can be integrated. We bring together the technologies Additive Manufacturing (AM), Microtech and Photonics to identify new opportunities for radical innovation. Find novel approaches to your challenges by thinking outside the box!
With this workshop, NTN Innovation Boosters IBAM, Microtech and Photonics enable specialists from industry and research to discuss together ideas/needs and form innovation teams, which can be funded with up to 25k CHF.
Date: Thursday, 20. October 2022, 13:00 – 19:00
Place: Switzerland Innovation Park Biel / Bienne, rue d’Aarberg 46, 2503 Biel/Bienne
The SIP is a two-minute walk from the train station. Car drivers can use the Coop parking lot on the Salzhausstrasse 31, Biel.
13:00 Arrival
13:30 Welcome & Introduction into the Workshop
13:45 Input Talks
- Reduce Production Wastes by Prof. Jacques Jacot
- Agile Product Solutions by Dr. Martin Forrer
- Additive manufacturing – key for innovations by Dr. Adriaan Spierings
14:30 Introduction to the Workshops
- The Methodology of the Problem Tree Analysis by Joëlle Tosetti
14:45 Workshop Part 1 – split into 3 tracks, according to the topics of the input talks
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Workshop Part 2
16:50 Wrap-up: Teams present their findings (more than one per session)
17:15 Call for projects – get up to 25kCHF and conclusion
17:30 Networking Apéro
This workshop is open to experts from industry and academia and will be held in English. Participation is free of charge.
Please apply for registration hereunder until 14.10.2022
Presentation of the speakers
Prof. Jacques Jacot
Jacques Jacot, honorary professor at EPFL. After completing his studies, he worked for almost 20 years in industry and created a company in the field of assembly robotics. With this experience in the industrial world, he was hired as a professor in microtechnology at EPFL to train tomorrow’s engineers in the design methods of new products. Jacques Jacot has cultivated many contacts in the machine industry and in watchmaking, and has been active in consultancy activities which he continues after his retirement.
Dr. Martin Forrer
Martin Forrer is since 2019 full-time Senior Vice President of Business Development at FISBA and leads the international business expansion with a focus on innovative and scalable photonic solutions and technologies. He is since 2018 part-time Expert at Innosuisse and is engaged in reviewing and qualifying innovation applications by partnering teams from industry and academia for funding by the
SWISS federal agency in the fields of Life Science, Photonics and Engineering.
Dr. Adriaan Spierings
Adriaan Spierings is group head SLM at inspire AG. He is there active in metal additive manufacturing since 2005, and keen to support the development of these technologies in the full width, to cover industrial applications. He has a special focus at the development of a Quality Management System for the AM-process chain and at the development of advanced components with added value, e.g. with integrated sensors. His background are his studies at ETH in Zurich in mechanical engineering – and specifically lightweight & aerostructure engineering – and business administration.
Conditions of entry
This event is limited to 70 people. Registrations will be processed in the order in which they are received.