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Interview with Joshua Lanter for the idea “MICRO PLASMA DEPOSITION”

By 22 June 2021August 30th, 2022Interviews

Regarding the projet

In what consist your idea ?

The major goal is applying metals, hard coats or even ceramic layers selective to  surfaces.

Whom does it deserve ?

There are three different application groups :

  • Minimizing wear for example at cutting edges
  • Contact and conducting pads i.e. bond pads
  • Optical and design areas

Generally it can be stated that it is thought to replace the sputter process where a large volume process may be to laborious.

In which domains could this innovation be useful ?

Examples include covering cutting edges of resharpened tools with TiN-CBN and bond pads wit Au, where the bond pads can be applied precise on limited space. Therefore, a photolithographed lift-off process at the device area is not necessary.
Furthermore, material can be supplied on substrates that won’t find acceptance in a wafer fab.
Research indicates that adhesion can be stronger in comparison to sputtered layers and therefore the process may be advantageous in research facilities.

Does it exist other application domains that could be eligible for your idea ?

In general the process makes sense where small partly areas needs to be covered with metal, precious metal and hard coats.
One idea is applying start layers on non-weldable material for the metal 3D printing. It may be obvious that the technology is not suitable for large scale processing but it will be a fast and low cost infrastructure methodology.
Thus, even prototypes can be done with negligible invest at research facilities for example. The coating process can be done at KMU’s sites without on a reasonable cost base. Another idea from HSLU is doping ceramics with Palladium for catalyzer purposes.

What would be the advantages to the end users ?

Advantages include:

  • Process with low invest costs (no masks needed)
  • Rapid prototyping with different layer material
  • Selective process
  • Process with non-wafer fab compatible layers possible
  • Hard coatings against wear
  • Isolation layers (Si02 – Si3N4)
  • Protective coatings
  • Conductive coatings
  • Au or Al contact wire pads
  • Hardgold (AuCo 0.5) switching contacts on AgNi-Cu substrates

If you project wins the support of InnoSuisse with CHF 20’000, what would be your first steps in your project ?

This project is at a start level, and it is also at the edge of basic research and applied research. To get the next steps for applications we need to establish a process with parameters. Following steps are planned :

  • Acquiring a Micro Weld device
  • Modifying jet for injection
  • Selecting target
  • Selecting first deposit material, probably Au
  • Preparing for high voltage acceleration of particles
  • Developing a powder box and/or a wire feeder for Au particles or wire injection
  • Researching process parameters with focus on layer thickness, process time,
    process reproducibility and comparison of the new Au bond pad i.e. adhesion with existent products (in case Senstech is willing to join the project)
  • Optional: developing a process box for processes done in N2 gas environment
  • First basic research coating with TiN-CBN and preparing an Innosuisse project to proceed.

Additional funds will made be available at HSLU. Moreover students will be involved with research topics.

Regarding the Microtech Booster

You are the Manager of this idea, posted on the NTN Innovation Booster – Microtech plateform. What are you expecting from this plateform ?

This platform is marketing ideas can find supporters in a wide area. I think this is a great goal but at start the network may be limited and therefore it makes it hard finding project partners. The best will be new applications in an extended area of a product, service or process the applicant even did not think of.

Which profiles of team members could join your project on the plateform ?

Users of existent technologies (PVD-process) and other Labs, i.e. MEMS labs.

How many people would be the golden number for your team ?

I think five would be the golden number for our team in this project.

How can we contact you, in case of interest in your innovation ?

By email :
Or by phone : +41 41 349 32 46

About yourself

What is your professional cursus ?

I am a mechanical Engineer with a Masters Degree and experience in a MEMS lab, 5 years.

Where do you work ?

CC Mechanische Système at HSLU.

Which position do you have ?


What are your objectives for this year ?

Establishing a new research topic and working together in a MEMS environment.