Team Rules
(only relevant for eligible participants in the feasibility study)
Option 1: multiparty NDA
Do you want to work with a multiparty NDA ? Here is an example.
Option 2: easy templates for an open-source R&D contract
Your idea has been selected for the feasibility study? Your team members must agree on how to work together :
Governance & responsibilities, scope of work, resource pooling, information sharing & confidentiality, intellectual property, etc. There are many aspects to consider to reach a joint agreement.
To help your thinking you will find hereunder a set of templated contractual documents, that are compliant with the Programme Rules.
You do not have, however, to use any of these templates; feel free to make your own contract(s), provided that you comply with the minimal requirements of the Programme Rules, notably the Terms of Service.
This document may serve for the unified terminology you would like to use in the contractual relation with your team mates. You should read it first to understand the rest of the templates.
There are several ways to organise multilateral cooperation and governance in an R&D project. We suggest an easy approach for open-source collaboration.
What are the targets of your project as a team? How and by which means do you reach them? This document is meant to establish these aspects.
This document will also help you with the follow-up of your project (accountability, reporting,..). It has to be saved in your dataroom and always accessible to the Operator.
- COMMUNITY MANIFESTO FOR OPEN INNOVATION (plus excerpt of the Programme’s purpose)
You have already adhered to this as a Participant in the Programme, this document is the same as in the Programme Rules. However, you could make it a part of the team rules as well if you wish to do so.
- SIGNATURE PAGE (for natural person / for legal entity)
Whichever contract your team chooses, it has to be ratified by us (the Programme’s Operator):
Once your team has agreed upon its contractual content, your team leader should send to us the latest version as approved (but not signed) by all team members.
We will then ratify this version and send it to each of the team mates, with the signature page listing the ratified contractual documents. By signing this page, you will agree the whole contract as presented in the ratified version.
Please send back the signature page once completed and duly signed to
Option 3: templates to create an R&D pop-up association
(only relevant for eligible participants in the feasibility study)
There are several ways to organise multilateral cooperation and governance. In this case we suggest an original approach, using a pop-up association as a vehicle; it is less responsibility for the individual members and favours continuity. Should you, however, prefer a Consortium Agreement (simple partnership), please refer to option 1 above.
Confidential information will be shared, intellectual property will be used or created: this template is meant to set the rules for these aspects, in the feasibility and beyond .
- COMMUNITY MANIFESTO FOR OPEN INNOVATION (plus excerpt of the Programme’s purpose)
- SIGNATURE PAGE (for natural person / for legal entity)
Whichever contract your team chooses, it has to be ratified by us (the Programme’s Operator):
Once your team has agreed upon its contractual content, your team leader should send to us the latest version as approved (but not signed) by all team members.
We will then ratify this version and send it to each of the team mates, with the signature page listing the ratified contractual documents. By signing this page, you will agree the whole contract as presented in the ratified version.
Please send back the signature page once completed and duly signed to
It will then be time to get to work. May your feasibility study be fruitful!
You are welcome to ask questions by email at
Option 4: various illustrations of contracts used by project teams
The contracts have not been reviewed by the Microtech Booster and the Operator does not warrant that they may be correct for other participants. Nevertheless, project teams have agreed to share what they have used with the other teams and we thank them for that.
Consortium Document Example 1 (English)
Consortium Document Example 2 (French)
Consortium Document Example 3 (French)
Consortium Document Example 4 (English)
Do you need more help? You can have a look at the drive from Me Quentin Adler who provides workshops presentations, videos, legal documents in a word format,… You can click here.
If you do not wish to allow the operator using your image rights for the purpose of the programme please fill in this form and wait to receive a confirmation by email.