About your idea
In what consist your idea ?
The project’s mains idea is to give the opportunity to any machine operator or anyone having the knowledge of maintenance’s process to be able to explain it, show it and record it.
Using VR (Virtual Reality) technologies and digital twins, anyone can create a documentation, create a step-by-step procedure to follow. For example, how to execute a specific manipulation or to teach someone how to do it.
Who will be the final user of your idea ?
Any machine’s users that could need a maintenance process.
In which fields this idea would be useful ?
Machine manufacturer or machine users.
What will the benefits of your idea ?
Any factory can have a personalized documentation. There is quite often a lack of information in textual documentation.
Here, you can explain and show specific points to be aware.
What kind of partner are you looking for to invest in your idea and be part of your team ?
Any partner that would be able to share a 3D model with a specific manipulation and that would be able to test the solution directly with its operator or partners.

About you and the Booster
What’s your professional background ?
My name is Fabio De Sousa. I’ve made technical studies as CAD designer and automatization.
In which company are you working now and what’s your occupation/position ?
I’m project manager at Kaïnoo’s and 3D laser scanning leader.
How have you heard about the Microtech Booster ?
We’ve already made a project last year. The idea was to create a digital maintenance’s platform.
What are your exceptings about the Microtech Booster ?
We want to be able to find the partner that can develop with us the idea further.
Would you like to participate in this idea?
Watch the pitch of Sylvain LeCoultre and join the team on the platform.