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Workshop on Digital Twins and Data Usage 12.09.2023

By 23 mai 2023juin 20th, 2023Events

Workshop on Digital Twins and Data Usage

During that day, organized by the Data Booster and the Innovation Booster Microtech, we would like to bring together experts from different fields.


Tuesday, 12th of September 2023


Paulus Akademie
Pfingstweidstrasse 28
8005 Zürich

Program of the day

12:30 Welcome

13:00 Introduction from Data & Microtech Boosters

13:15 Keynotes

1. CADFEM, Joël Grognuz
Digital Engineering: from Business Case to IIoT

Unified digital threads streamline the engineering process and generate added value from data, ultimately serving a useful business case while allowing a more agile and accurate development process. At CADFEM, we guide customers from an engineer’s perspective, focusing on use cases and persona, to achieve an efficient digital transformation, from design specifications to digital twins. A few examples from the industry will bring creative ideas that can then be further developed in the subsequent workshop.

2. Digiinov, Antoine Jeanrichard
The Digital Twin journey starts with Data Ingestion and Integration

Is your business grappling with how to connect diverse, even aged, machines, sensors, and software? In a world increasingly captivated by Digital Twins and AI, there’s a yawning gap between the slick demos at trade fairs or online, and the gritty reality on the factory floor. To truly harness the power of these revolutionary technologies, companies first need to tackle two big challenges: Data Ingestion and Data Integration. Join us to discover practical examples and best practices.

3. HSLU, Shaun West
What could a digital twin do for me to improve the coffee? 

The Workshop applies service design approaches to innovate new value propositions that Digital Twins could enable around a coffee machine. This 90-minute interactive session will enable participants to understand individual needs, identify pain points, and collaboratively design service solutions that could be delivered via Digital Twins.

4. CSEM, Philipp Schmid
Production Data for Predictive Quality

Perfect quality and ever higher efficiency drive Swiss companies. Many production companies have started to store data from machines and test equipment. But what now? How can they gain a real competitive advantage from the data without simply accumulating a gigantic mountain of data waste? With new concepts such as Predictive Quality, holistic solution approaches are available, which also bring a direct appreciation. In his presentation, Philipp Schmid analyzes where the technology stands today, he points out stumbling blocks and uses concrete examples to show the enormous potential of AI in industry.

14:15 Coffee break

14:45 Workshops (breakouts)

Session A, CADFEM

Industrial Digital Twins : starting from successful business cases (time to market, competitive advantage, customization, prescriptive insights, smart guidance, predictive maintenance,…), each participant will be guided to gather his building blocks (data sources, business value, engineering specifications, modeling, infrastructure,…), while profiting from group inputs, to build up meaningful strategies to be implemented in his organization.

Session B, Digiinov

Hands-On Workshop to Solve Real-World Scenarios : Dive into this workshop to address your data ingestion and integration challenges. We will start with a brainstorming session gathering and structuring the current challenges of the participants. From this collective think-tank, we’ll select the issues that resonate with the majority, and work on them together to identify the steps to overcome them and the risks on each of them.

Session C, HSLU + CSEM

Service Design Workshop : Innovating the Coffee Machine Experience. The Service Design Workshop applies service design approaches to innovate new value propositions around the coffee machine. This 90-minute interactive session will enable participants to understand individual needs, identify pain points, and collaboratively design service solutions.

16:15 Wrap-up

16:50 Conclusion

17:00 Apero


Please be welcome to register for this workshop

Conditions of entry

This event is limited to 60 people. Registrations will be processed in the order in which they are received.