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The Microtech Booster reinvents itself

By 6 Settembre 2024Best practice

At the end of its 4 years of funding by Innosuisse, the Microtech Booster reinvents itself by launching an 8th selection loop on its platform.

In its initial business model, the Microtech Booster was designed to link research institutes and universities with industry and specialists in the field of microtechnology, throughout Switzerland. After seven loops that demonstrated a marked interest on the part of platform members, the Microtech Booster committee decided to reinvent itself and continue the adventure by launching an 8th idea selection loop, which will complete its feasibility study in mid-2025.

What’s new? A radical change of model. Funding will be provided solely by the project partners. As such, they will leave the fold of Innosuisse and take flight with the only source of funding being that of the partners who decide to invest in the project. This will demonstrate even more specifically the market interest and potential of the idea.

What are the advantages of continuing to participate in projects posted on the platform, or of bringing your own?

  • Access to over 600 professional users, to find funding and partners for your projects
  • A proven and secure collaboration framework (45 successful projects; trust, contracts and intellectual property, money transfers,…)
  • Collaborative PoCs that mitigate risk (shared contribution of funding and manpower)
  • Support for moderation and alignment of project teams
  • 75% success rate for project follow-up (and ongoing collaborations)
  • Easy access to innovative ideas, skills and partners (new value chain)

The key dates for this 8th loop are as follows :

06.09 – 15.10.24: call for projects
15.10 – 26.11.24: project bids (additional partners and funding)
29.11.24: communication of the most successful idea and the ideas that have passed the selection hurdle
31.08.25: end of feasibility study

The conditions for submitting an idea, the minimum stake and the stake levels accepted for partners, as well as other useful information, can be found on the platform.

If you have any further questions, please contact Joëlle Tosetti, our Program Manager.