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Innovative Laser-based manufacturing methods for microfluidics applications

By 25 Agosto 2023Agosto 31st, 2023Interviews, Testimonials

Rodolphe Catrin from RhySearch, is the project manager of this idea.

The project theme of this team was direct ablation in glass using short-pulse laser radiation.

The aim of the activity was therefore to create mircochannels in glass so in industrial, technical, glass substrates in surface and to control the depth of ablation so as to be able to perform micro-channel geometries within these glass surfaces. So, the aim is really to ablate directly in the glass without any steps following ablation.

If you want to know what was the biggest challenge of this team and what will come next, feel free to watch the full interview hereafter.

Find the complete testimonial about this feasibility study here.