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Understand, visualize and adopt energy efficiency measures for industrial production

By 6 Maggio 2022Agosto 30th, 2022Interviews

About your idea

What is your idea?

We aim at building concrete and actionable arguments for the adoption of a dedicated technology for measuring, comparing and visualizing electricity consumption of machine tools and industrial production.

Who is this innovation aimed at, respectively who will be the end user and in which areas of application could this innovation be useful ?

The technology developed by E2PME comprises a monitoring device and a software analytical suite. The startup’s goal is to guide and foster the use of the E2PME solution for microtechnology industrial contractors.  That we can assess the average consumption saving and recommend best practices for a long-term beneficial use of the technology.

What benefits will it bring to users?

By attracting 3-5 manufacturers to this project, we aim at reaching the following objectives:

  • Validate the assumption that the solution can lead to a 20-30% electricity consumption saving within 3-6 months of implementation
  • Consolidate a 4-5 pages guide of best practices for a successful integration of the technology over time
  • Discover and specify further software developments which would cover the energy consumption monitoring of the whole production site.
  • Develop additional algorithms.

Participants will be able to influence future developments and benefit from close support and collaborative efforts which will hopefully lead to financial saving.

Which partners are you looking for for your project?

We need the involvement of production directors, maintenance managers and machine operators.

Furthermore, competences in data science (analysts and scientists) are critical to broaden the software functionalities and push the boundaries of the data learning. To correctly communicate the best practices and recommended guidelines, this project is a great opportunity for people/ companies with technical writing skills.

About you and the Booster

Who are you?

My name is Richard Pasquier, I’m the founder of the spin-off from HEIA Fribourg (HES-SO).

What is your professional background?

I’m an ETS ingineer in electrotechnics.

I have various experiences in IT and energy groups.

Where do you currently work and what position do you hold?

For the last few years, I’m teaching at HEIA Fribourg and I’m also active in the E2PME startup.

How did you hear about the Microtech Booster?

I’ve been visiting the SIAMS 2022 in Moutier and met Joëlle Tosetti on the booth. We had only a few days to join the platform, publish our idea and turn our video pitch. And we’re now happy that we already have 2 important partners such as Louis Bélet SA and R. Montavon SA in our team.

Would you like to participate in this idea?

Join the team on the platform.