Workshop on Challenges and Novel Approaches for Microassembly in Microtechnology and Photonics.
When it comes to microassembly, the fields of microtechnology, microelectronics and photonics have to face similar challenges.
For example, integrated photonics is a rapidly emerging field with applications such as optical fiber communication, automotive, quantum communications, etc. However, integrated photonics requires highly precise assembly processes to connect the waveguides with the optical components (such as lasers, filters, modulators, photodetectors, etc.).
Also, in microtechnology/microelectronics, novel trends such as e.g., in Photonics (LED, Lasers, Detectors, Sensors, and Imaging devices), or for Optical Communication Systems and Components (fiber related) or Quantum Medical Endoscopes require better precision, smaller integration and a speed less than 1 sec per move.
In this joint workshop, organized by the two Innovation Boosters Microtech and Photonics, Ciposa SA and FEMTOprint SA, we would like to bring together experts from different fields to jointly identify needs and possible new approaches in the field of microassembly.
This workshop aims for both, partners seeking an innovative solution and potential technology providers. Participants will also benefit from insights on current technology topics. This will be followed by group discussions where questions will be explored in more depth and potential areas of need and solutions will be discussed.
Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to network with potential project partners and, ideally, start a collaboration project that can be funded by the Innovation Boosters Microtech and Photonics.
To get the most out of this workshop, describe your need/challenge/problem in the field of microassembly already when you register!
10:00 Arrival
10:30 Welcome by Joëlle Tosetti and Selina Casutt
10:45 Introduction of the host company Ciposa SA by Florian Stauffer
11:00 Lab tour host company Ciposa SA
12:00 Networking lunch
13:00 Workshop Part I, Input talks:
- Laser-based glass micro-machining for integrated photonics by Rolando Ferrini, FEMTOprint SA
- The constraint of volume dosed by the dispensing module by Yves Pelletier, Ciposa SA
- Micro-Optics – Chances and Challenges in Microassembled Systems by Wilfried Noell, SUSS MicroOptics SA
- Swiss Photonics Integration Center, Swiss PIC by Tobias Lamprecht, Professor for Microtechnology at the OST University of Applied Sciences
14:15 Coffee break
14:45 Workshop Part 2, Group discussions:
- Group 1: New materials, processes and building blocks for integrated photonics packaging & assembly, moderated by Rolando Ferrini
- Group 2: Deep learning to serve active alignment, moderated by Yves Pelletier
- Group 3: Miniaturization of Photonics Systems, moderated by Wilfried Noell
- Group 4: Swiss Industry needs for the Photonic Packaging, moderated by Tobias Lamprecht
16:00 Wrap-up in the plenum
16:30 Networking Apéro
Thursday, 16th of March 2023
From 10:30 to 17:30
Ciposa S.A.
Rouges-Terres 61
2068 Hauterive
Please be welcome to register for this workshop organized by the Photonics and the Microtech Boosters, with the support of Ciposa, FEMTOprint and Innosuisse.
Conditions of entry
Participation is free of charge. Please apply for registration on until 10.03.2023.
This event is limited to 40 people. Registrations will be processed in the order in which they are received.
About the speakers
Rolando Ferrini
Rolando Ferrini (Chief Regional Officer & Head of FEMTOprint Neuchâtel) joined FEMTOprint in 2022 as Chief Regional Officer and Head of FEMTOprint Neuchâtel, the new subsidiary devoted to the development and commercialization of photonic-related microdevices in glass. In 1999, he obtained his PhD degree in Physics at the Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy, with a thesis on the optical properties of III-V semiconductor materials for electronics and optoelectronics. From 2000 to 2004, he worked as Research Associate at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, where he studied the optical properties of semiconductor-based photonic crystal devices. From 2004 to 2011, as Senior Research Associate at EPFL, he was in charge of the activities on organic devices for optics, photonics and lighting. From 2011 to 2022, he worked at CSEM as Group Leader MicroNano Optics and, from 2021 to 2022, also as Head of the Focus Area Photonics. From 2020 to 2021 he founded the PHABULOuS pilot line for the manufacturing of freeform micro-optical components, acting as coordinator of the corresponding H2020 project PHABULOuS and as Managing Director of the pilot line.

Yves Pelletier
Yves Pelletier has held positions in business development, key account development, product management in various markets such as semiconductors, watchmaking and medtech. He has a basic technical training with post-training in marketing, finance, organization and law.
Wilfried Noell
Wilfried Noell (Director R&D, SUSS MicroOptics SA) is responsible for R&D projects, advanced technology, optical designs and special client requests with his dedicated team of scientists and engineers. Before joining SUSS MicroOptics, he was an R&D scientist and process engineer in the industrial X-ray business unit of the COMET AG, Switzerland.
From 1994 through 2012, he worked on InP PICs, Silicon Photonics (SiPH), Optical MEMS (MOEMS) and MEMS actuators at TU Darmstadt, IMM Mainz, IMT/Uni Neuchâtel and EPFL, Switzerland, respectively.
Since 2021, he is a member of the Swiss NTN Photonics Innovation Board.

Tobias Lamprecht
Tobias Lamprecht is Professor for Microtechnology at the OST University of Applied Sciences in Buchs SG, with a focus on micro-integration and miniaturization. He has a background in microtechnology and photonics for sensing and communication applications. He worked as CTO at vario-optics, an SME located in Heiden, bringing photonic devices to market. He earned his Ph.D in 2011 from University of Twente, The Netherlands, for the work on optical interconnects performed at IBM Research in Zurich.