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How to improve equity in technical and engineering professions ?

By 14 Dezember 2023Events

On next January 25th, 2024, from 8:30 to 09:30, we invite to join the free webinar with Camille Ory who will present the ASFI’s „Direction égalité“ program.

In the technical and engineering professions, there were only 7.4% women in 2019, according to Federal Statistic Office.

To promote and improve gender equity in technical and engineering professions, the program „Direction égalité“ from ASFI was introduced and is financially supported by the Federal Office for Gender Equality BFEG.

Target audience

This event is dedicated to people, men and women alike, who want to raise their skills and awareness of equity questions in their companies.

After 1 hour

You will have an overview of the program that is subsidized by the Federal Office for Gender Equality.


  • Improving working conditions for STEM women (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
  • Deconstruction of traditional roles in the workplace
  • Promotion of women’s STEM career
  • Promotion of the engineering profession to the general public

This program helps your female STEM employees (working in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to assert themselves, to understand and raise awareness of gender bias in your company, and to improve your corporate culture.

Direction égalité provides your managers with the best possible support to foster a more inclusive working environment.

About the speaker

Camille Ory, is the co-Director of the program „Direction égalité“.
Her role as co-Director of the program includes:
  • Design a program that fits Swiss french companies specificities and needs, as well as the needs of STEM employees and leadership
  • Focus on implementing change and an inclusive company culture
  • Collaboration with tech companies
  • Build and expand a network of companies and partners
  • Coordination with partners and experts
  • Finances


Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

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