About your idea
In what consist your idea ?
The idea is to install a sensor on the ground at the entrance of underground parkings with charging stations. This, in order to measure the temperature of the batteries of the electric vehicles and, if necessary, to prevent them from entering if the temperature of the battery is abnormally elevated.
Who will be the final user of your idea ?
Users of this innovative project are parking owners, condominiums, cities, municipalities, SMEs with underground parking equipped with charging stations.
In which fields this idea would be useful ?
This idea would be useful for fire prevention and could be used in the construction sector.
What will the benefits of your idea ?
Reduce the risk of fire which causes considerable damage and losses.
What kind of partner are you looking for to invest in your idea and be part of your team ?
We are looking for different partners in this project. In particular a sensor manufacturer, a camera manufacturer, a software developer for the management and implementation on fire detection systems.

Frédéric Danzi
How have you heard about the Microtech Booster ?
I met the people in charge of Microtech Booster during a matchmaking evening in La Chaux-de-Fonds last December.
What are your exceptings about the Microtech Booster ?
I’m looking for partners and collaboration to carry out this project.
About you and the Booster
Who are you ?
My name is Frédéric Danzi, I am 44 years old. I am a trained electrician and have been active in sales for more than 15 years.
In which company are you working now and what’s your occupation/position ?
I am a person with an entrepreneurial profile. I am active in several companies as founder, director and business manager of various companies.
CoverSwiss SA (Administrator)
Air treatment, purification and disinfection
Neusitz Sàrl – (Administrator)
Connected and recycled urban furniture – solar benches, smart garbage cans, 100% recycled furniture, wind solutions, charging stations for electric bikes, fitness for seniors
Danzi-Innovative Sàrl – (Administrator)
Consulting, innovations, offering immersive, interactive, multisensory and holographic digital solutions
Perfogroup SA – (Business manager)
Security lighting, smoke vents, fire extinguishers, fire defense, evacuation sound, professional lighting
WECO – (Administrator)
Specialized in the development and marketing of infrared curtains for elevators with internal accessories (led, batteries)
Would you like to participate in this idea?
Join the team on the platform.