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The richness of meeting you

By 17 Juni 2022August 30th, 2022Events

This week we participated in the EPHJ in Geneva with Bernat Palou, director of ARCM, on our common stand.

The richness of meeting you… At the EPHJ – The World of High Precision:

🚀We debated around a round table on the theme of „What are the new innovation opportunities for high-precision?“ with Basel Area Business & Innovation and a round table on „Photonics 4 Masterpieces“ with Swissphotonics.

🚀We celebrated our winners of the third loop and received testimonials from those who are completing their feasibility studies.

🚀We welcomed Myriam Ayass who spoke to us about open hardware innovation at CERN during our special event.
We met entrepreneurs, R&D managers, … and exchanged on the potential of collaborative innovation.

All this would not have been possible without the presence of all of you who visited the EPHJ and took the time to meet us.

A big THANK YOU to all our guests, participants, winners and visitors.

Find below the pictures of our event on Thursday June 16th with Myriam Ayass from CERN.