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Who are we?

The Innovation Booster Microtech is a consortium of seven key Swiss players active in the field of microtechnology.

The members of our steering committee bring complementary skills from the world of microtechnology, more specifically from SMEs, universities and associations.


Fabian Käser
Fabian Käser

President of the Steering Committee

Nicoletta Casanova
Nicoletta Casanova

Vice-President of the Steering Committee

Anne Hirtzlin
Anne Hirtzlin

Responsible for communication mandate

Catherine Jeanneret

Director of the Leading House



Joëlle Tosetti
Joëlle Tosetti
Program Manager and delegated member of the steering committee. NTN Innovation Booster – Microtech
Catherine Jeanneret
Directrice de la Leading House, ARCM
Franziska Zenger
Responsable communication

Press relaease

Find here the press articles about our Microtech Booster.